Tagged: cat

Sheriff Callie Bento Lunch

Sheriff Callie Bento Lunch | OneCraftyThing.com

Once in a while, my middle kiddo (who usually gets her wonderfully balanced lunch from preschool) stays home and asks for a special lunch. So, seeing as she wants to be a sheriff when she grows up, a Sheriff Callie lunch (who is her favorite) was in order. I’ve been wanting to make it for a while but it’s too young for the older kiddo. Anyway, to the details!

In today’s lunch:

Main PB sandwich Callie. I used green candy covered sunflower seeds for eyes (lined with black food dye and finished with a white non-pareil highlight) and a heart sprinkle for a nose. The muzzle was just a little oval and the patches on her face are peanut butter (the gray parts are peanut butter with a tiny bit of black food dye).
Sides Carrots with a sheriff star and strawberries with a food pick to resemble the cactus, Toby with little carrot hat.
Also included but not pictured Yogurt and string cheese.

Today, I used:

A Costumed Kitty


Today, a simple masked kitty checking out some pumpkins. I put a little less food in today because the kiddo is having a hard time finishing lunch lately. Lots of talking at the lunch table, not so much eating 😉

In today’s lunch:

Main PB&J on wheat; the mask was made with strawberry fruit leather.
Sides Green grapes, a mandarin “pumpkin” (fruit leather features), and a Trader Joe’s Joe Joe
Also included (but not pictured) Yogurt

Today I used: