Tagged: hiro

Big Hero 6 Bento

Big Hero 6 Bento | OneCraftyThing.com

With Big Hero 6 out on DVD, my kiddos have been watching it over and over again. I personally haven’t seen it (erm, I’ve used it as a babysitter while making dinner, though!) but I caught enough here and there to make up a lunch based on the characters. So here we go, a Big Hero 6 lunch!

In this lunch:

Main Not a sandwich for once! My grandma has a recipe for no-syrup pancakes which is great for lunch, as there is no mess. They are only very slightly sweet and taste good with a little butter (although I didn’t add butter here). So a set of Baymax pancakes (so easy to make!)
Sides Lol, a mini sandwich (PB&J of course)– I painted Hiro’s face on it; blueberries with a suited up Baymax made from a couple of strawberries, a bit of bread and a teensy bit of food dye– kept together with peanut butter.
Also Included but not Pictured Bunny graham crackers

Today, I used: