Tagged: red fish

Dr. Seuss Day Bento

Dr Seuss Day Bento | OneCraftyThing.com

Today is Dr. Seuss Day (AKA National Read Across America Day) and the kiddo’s favorite Dr. Seuss book is One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and one of her favorite characters is the (unnamed) girl. She’s having a fun school Read Across America event at school today (with pillow and blanky and stuffed animal) so I thought this would be appropriate!

In this lunch:

Main PB&honey with the girl from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish painted on. TIP! It’s actually pretty hard to paint on a piece of bread because of all the holes in the bread (even harder with healthier, chunkier bread), so I make it a double sandwich, using a two regular slices of bread and having the top one (the third piece) slightly flattened by a roller, just enough to make it a little more dense and flatten out the holes, so then when it’s painted, you don’t have inconsistencies in the painting.
Sides Goldfish crackers (one painted to be a red fish and the second, a blue fish) and half an apple carved with the “To There, To Here” sign from the book; it was outlined with the black dye.
Also included but not pictured Applesauce and an orange.

Today, I used: