(Painting) Shoes Shoes Shoes

As a woman, there is some stereotypes in our culture about women loving shoes. I like shoes. I don’t think I like shoes an inordinate amount for any old human being. That said, I’ve been obsessed with shoes lately.


Not just wearing them (I like the wearing) but really, I love painting them. Making fun shoes up. Wearing silly shoes that make my feel look like zombies because… well, because I can.

So here are a few shoes I’ve painted lately. Some for me, some for gifts, some for three giggly kiddos who really wanted silly painted shoes.

My cousin wanted Peruvian shoes for her birthday because, well, she’s Peruvian 🙂

Painting Shoes | OneCraftyThing.com

I saw some zombie feet on Pinterest and then later found out that even Vans had Zombie feet kids’ shoes so I took an old pair of shoes and painted them into turquoise zombies. Right now, these are my favorite to wear!
Painting Shoes | OneCraftyThing.com

Another cousin just had a baby and she has an older little kiddo as well so I made matching kid shoes and a matching tote for mom 🙂 I briefly considered keeping the tote for myself and making another for her… but finally just mailed them off before I started using it.
Painting Shoes | OneCraftyThing.com


My littlest kiddo decided he wanted dinosaur feet… so dino feet it was.
Painting Shoes | OneCraftyThing.com

This set of shoes I painted for my eldest kiddo who dislikes skulls and zombies and crazy feet, etc. and is a gentler soul prone to loving flowers:

Painting Shoes | OneCraftyThing.com

I’ve made a couple more as well but failed to photograph them well and now they are… let’s just say they’ve been worn a lot and loved a lot!

So I have two other pairs of blank shoes (one me-sized and one middle kiddo sized) so I’ll probably be painting more.

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