Tagged: scary

Friday the 13th


Today is Friday the 13th! OOOOOeeeeeeOOOOO! Ok so I did have to explain the whole “Friday the 13th is an unlucky day” to the First Grade Kiddo (Kiddo One, from now on, for the sake of brevity) and she looked still a bit confused so I told her it was also International Chocolate Day (no, really!) and she stopped looking so confused and looked at the Nutella sandwich longingly. 😀

Sandwich Nutella on white bread — we bought the white bread in a pinch and now I have to use it up before it goes bad — don’t judge me on my white bread smothered in fake nut-butter chocolate sauce!
Sides Gummy Letters with two carrot coins (carrots! They’re healthy! If she eats them). The spider is made out of two grapes with a bat sprinkle for pincers and candy string legs (oh boy, I think I went overboard with the sugar today!), sitting on an apple slice.
Extra sides (not pictured) The rest of the apple cut into slices and a stick of string cheese.

Today I used: