Ahoy, Mateys!


This day’s Speak Like a Scurvy Pirate Day! I be so bummed last year when I missed Speak Like a Scurvy Pirate Day fer bento purposes — it be on a day last year when Kiddo 1 didn’t need a midday meal to take to sword fightin’ academy. I mean, I did do a scurvy pirate snack, but a bento would’ve be really Arrr! So ’tis year, Speak Like a Scurvy Pirate Day be gettin’ th’ ol’ bento treatment! Arrrgggghhh!

Mainย Mini pizza pocket. My husband made his secret recipe pizza dough a couple of days ago and it was time to use it or lose it ๐Ÿ˜‰ so I made this special ship pizza pocket! I made the sails out of wax from some Laughing Cow cheese wheel thingees and the little skull on the sails is a bit of mozzarella.
Sidesย Skull egg with bone picks, cheese on skeleton picks, crackers and 3 gold doubloons (erm, three chocolate Euros, lol)
Also included (not pictured) A peach and some water.

Also, this year, I be participatin’ in an awesome blog hop! So arrghhh, mateys, walk the plank over to the next piratetastic blog! Ahoy!


Today I used:


  1. Amanda P

    Love the ship and egg! Can’t believe that I have never thought of using those picks for a skull and crossbones egg. I might borrow that idea one day ๐Ÿ™‚

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