Category: Papercraft

Pride and Prejudice Snowflakes (and Templates!)

‘Tis the season for busy days! So not as much time to really put time into involved crafts but one day we took a few minutes to sit down and do some paper crafts. I did some intricate snowflakes while the kids colored.

After getting warmed up with a Disney-themed snowflake (no template, unfortunately, it was free-hand and a warm up), I remembered that it is around this time of the year that I re-read my most favorite book of all time: Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely adore Jane Austen and read everything she’s written and especially Elizabeth Bennet and (who doesn’t?) love Darcy as well, so I decided to do some fun experiments and came up with these Pride and Prejudice themed snowflakes. I loved them so much that I thought that it would be a little Christmas gift to all the equally Austen enraptured enthusiasts out there 🙂 So for your enjoyment, some fun snowflakes to be had!

Elizabeth Bennet |
Elizabeth Bennet is one of my most favorite heroines of literature. And though she is not a great reader, I was inspired by the scene at Netherfield Park where her reading becomes scrutinized by the sisters of the house. (Don’t get the reference, you should really read the book, it’s amazing!) Download the Elizabeth Bennet snowflake here.

Mr Darcy Snowflake |
Fitzwilliam Darcy, despite being aristocratic and “of breeding” is a complete and utter jerk at the beginning of the novel but works at his jerkiness throughout the novel. I won’t say more but it’s not the typical love story, let’s say. Anyhow, download Fitzwilliam Darcy’s snowflake here.

Hope you like it!

Today I used the best book in literature:

A Silhouette


I made this for my preschool kiddo’s birthday. Ok, so her birthday was in August but we were in Italy and I didn’t want to haul a project along that I was only going to be bringing back in its same state (also, I didn’t want the glass in the frame to break). It’s similar to her sister’s but instead I decided to go with a slightly different approach as I was really inspired by silhouettes cut by hand that they do at Disneyland. I am not as skilled to do it in minutes but I did free-hand cut it from a picture of my kiddo. Took me about 20 minutes to cut and refine. I think another good way of doing it might be taking a picture of the profile on cardstock and then using it as a template to cut in your black paper. Or easier yet, just paint the back of the profile picture in black! Easy as pie, but I really wanted to learn from the manual technique so I did it old school. I also took the matt out of the frame in order to doodle on it and just basically did whatever came to me. It was calming and fun and I think a whole other look to portraits 🙂